On Friday November 28th, I turned another year older. But since 28 is my favorite number, I will continue to be 28 years old for the rest of my life. My Grandma was 29 every year, so I can be 28 every year! Thank you so much to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday - I had a wonderful day!
We were in New Jersey with John's family for Thanksgiving. We had such a good time! Even after a big feast, they had a cake for me and some presents. And we played Catch Phrase. If you've never played it, get a group together and play. We all had a blast! We left NJ Thursday night and arrived home at 1am Friday. No, we did not go shopping!!! I received gifts from my family and Friday night, John and I got to go away for the night while my Mom kept the kids. Thank you, Mommy!!! Since I started working days and John works nights, we don't have much (ANY) time alone. It was nice to just be alone together.
I know this has nothing to do with my birthday, but I would really like for all of you to pray for a young man from my church. Some of you may already know about him from Facebook or LJF. His name is Daniel Byrd. He is 18 years old. He graduated from our Christian school in May and was down at Pensacola Christian College. He started getting sick and they finally discovered a malignant tumor the size of a basketball in his chest. He is currently in the ICU at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. The doctors said he is the sickest patient there. The doctors also said that it is a miracle he is still alive, but I know that my God is a God of miracles. He has been showing very good signs of progress. He has already had five rounds of chemo and the tumor is beginning to shrink, but he still has a long way to go. Please pray for Daniel and his family. Daniel is the oldest of 6 children. His parents are Lenny and Lois. I encourage you to visit caringbridge.org and type in danielbyrd (no spaces). The family writes updates in the journal so you can better know how to pray for him specifically. You can leave encouraging notes for the family on there. Please pray. God is listening and answering!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Last Monday, October 27th, I started a new job. I haven't been employed outside the home since 2001. I thought it was going to be a HUGE adjustment for me - especially getting up at 4am! I survived a whole week of waking up early, and I survived my first week back at work! I really enjoyed it and I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow. I am an administrative clerk in a government building (Health and Human Services). I work for the same security company that John works for. They are contracted with the government. I work 6am - 2pm, Monday - Friday. John works nights and then comes home and gets Michael and Briana ready for school and stays with Alexa until I get home. It's a grueling schedule for him - pray for him! He's doing a great job as "Mr. Mom". At least he's off on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. He does get a little bit of sleep... occasionally!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Today, Saturday October 25, 2008 is our niece Cera's birthday.
Happy 18th Birthday, Cera!!! We love you SO much!!!
Love always,
Aunt Pammy, Uncle John, Michael, Briana and Alexa
Happy 18th Birthday, Cera!!! We love you SO much!!!
Love always,
Aunt Pammy, Uncle John, Michael, Briana and Alexa
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
After school today, Michael went down to the basement to "work out". This is something he started doing with John. After a while, he came upstairs and told me to feel his muscles. I said, "Wow! You're really getting strong!" He said, "I'm not as strong as Daddy, but I'm getting close!"
My children will not be celebrating October 31st the way the world celebrates, but they will still have a lot of fun. We will be going to our church for their annual "Give God the Glory Night". I'm not sure how many years they've been doing this, but just to give you an idea, I used to go when I was a kid! Members of the church donate bags of wrapped candy so all the kids who participate will go home with a great big bag. (Thank God for toothpaste, toothbrushes and dentists!!!) There will be a moonbounce among many other fun activites for the kids. There will also be a time of Bible teaching. My Mom, who will have Alexa at home, will be handing out Gospel tracts along with candy to the "trick-or-treaters" who come to the door.
We live in an evil world and Halloween just seems to be the epitomy of all evilness. The devil wants us to live in fear. What seems to be an innocent holiday for kids is really a night the devil enjoys far too much. There are still cults in this world that practice human sacrifice on this night - usually children. I know that's going to the extreme, but think about the costumes kids wear - devils, ghosts, witches, demons, dracula, monsters, even masked murderers. I refuse to teach my kids that this is okay. God wants us to live in fear of Him, not the devil. The psalmist said, "I will fear no evil: for thou [the Lord] art with me." (Psalm 23:4) It is my hope and prayer that I and my children will give God the glory and not give place to the devil.
If you are looking for ideas for an alternative to Halloween, please visit my friend Amy's blog:
http://thesikorskifamily.blogspot.com/ (Post October 20, 2008)
We live in an evil world and Halloween just seems to be the epitomy of all evilness. The devil wants us to live in fear. What seems to be an innocent holiday for kids is really a night the devil enjoys far too much. There are still cults in this world that practice human sacrifice on this night - usually children. I know that's going to the extreme, but think about the costumes kids wear - devils, ghosts, witches, demons, dracula, monsters, even masked murderers. I refuse to teach my kids that this is okay. God wants us to live in fear of Him, not the devil. The psalmist said, "I will fear no evil: for thou [the Lord] art with me." (Psalm 23:4) It is my hope and prayer that I and my children will give God the glory and not give place to the devil.
If you are looking for ideas for an alternative to Halloween, please visit my friend Amy's blog:
http://thesikorskifamily.blogspot.com/ (Post October 20, 2008)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My sweet little baby girl is 20 months old today! I can hardly believe it! There are many pictures here, but I hope you'll take the time to see each one and catch a little glimpse of the life of Alexa Maxine Cabrera.

Here she is wearing her big brother's school shirt. She hasn't figured out how to say "Michael" yet, so she calls him "Da Da". (John is Daddy, in case you're wondering!)

Now she's wearing Briana's necklace. She calls her big sister "Na Na". (That's also what Michael called Briana when he was 2.)

She loves her little pink hat. Whenever we're getting ready to go outside, she pats herself on the head. That's her way of saying, "My hat, please!"

She LOVES to play with balls! She can kick them and is starting to throw them pretty well, too!

Trying on Briana's shoe...

She managed to get both of them on by herself!

This day, she decided it would be fun to play with Michael's baseball cap.
"It's dark! Where did everybody go?"

"Hey! There you are!"

She is so much fun to watch!

"Look, Mommy! I can do it myself! Bye Bye!"

Opening a cabinet no matter how big or small is an endless source of enjoyment. In fact, she has a blanket and puppy that she sleeps with, and about two weeks ago, they disappeared. We couldn't find them anywhere! 6 days later, John and I were in our bedroom with Alexa and she went over to a small desk we have in there. On one side is a little cabinet. She opened the door and what do you suppose was in there? That's right! She had put her blanket and puppy in there and no one (but her) had thought to look in there!

"Anyone hungry? I'm making lunch."

She was playing Ring Around the Rosy with Michael and Briana. They taught her how and she did great. Then she decided to start falling down before they got to the "we all fall down" part. Michael and Briana thought that was hilarious, so she would fall down early and they would all crack up!

She likes to make us laugh with this face. It all started because we live next to a fire station. Any time the fire trucks or ambulances would go out with their sirens on, we would say, "Alexa! Do you hear the fire trucks?" And she would make that face. It's so funny.

Here she is with another one of Michael's hats.
"You can't see me!"

"Here I am!"

And there she goes! She's a busybody - always into EVERYTHING!

She's such a character! And a cute one at that!

Hamming it up for the camera.

Ride 'em cowgirl!

She does have her not-so-happy moments. She was less than thrilled when I put her in the ball pit.

But she loved bouncing on the trampoline while holding the balls from the ball pit!

She loves babies. Even her own reflection. She's a "big helper" in our church nursery with all the babies. She knows them all by name and can even tell you whose diaper bag is whose!

Even my little busybody gets worn out now and then. She has her beloved blanket (which I removed from around her neck) and her beloved puppy with the pink hearts (which she has underneath her!). For some reason, she likes to sleep with her feet up on the rails. Not always, but occasionally.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Alexa will be 20 months old on Tuesday October 14th. A few months ago I started putting her on the potty before her bath just to see how she would react. She had no problem sitting there, but never did anything. One night a few weeks ago, she surprised me by actually going on the potty! She went a few more times after that, when she was about to get in the tub. Then, last week, she started telling me "potty, potty" (which actually came out "bobby, bobby" at first, and now it's "otty, otty") anytime I took her diaper off. So we started making daily trips to the "otty", but she hadn't been going. She just wanted to sit there and then say "done". Until today. She went on the potty twice! Imagine that. I know she's not ready to be fully potty trained yet, but I'm encouraged by the hope that she won't be 3 like Michael was!
Friday, October 10, 2008
I just wanted all of you to know that I will continue to try and keep up with our blog, but I think it will be more of what it's supposed to be - a blog! I've used it primarily to post pictures, but since I discovered Facebook, it's SOOOOOOO much easier to put photo albums to share on my Facebook page! I have found many friends (old and new) on Facebook and if you've never been there, I encourage you to go! It's completely free, and you have complete control over what info you put on there and who sees it. You can send friend requests and you'll also receive them - but you can accept or ignore them. It's been such a great and easy way to keep in touch with friends and family. If you don't have a Facebook page, come and join and look me up!
Pam :)
Pam :)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My Dad came to the United States (LEGALLY, I might add) from Lima, Peru in August 1972. 36 years later in August 2008, he became a U.S. citizen. When I asked him why now after all these years, he replied, "Because the cost keeps going up!" My Dad is full-blooded Japanese, but Spanish is his first language. Since coming to America, he speaks fluent English, has gone to college here, has been married to my Mom for over 32 years, and has been at the same job for nearly 30 years. He is proud to be an American, and I am proud to call him my Daddy!
We were all able to be at the swearing-in ceremony.
He gladly received his official certificate of citizenship.
One proud and happy new American!
Congratulations, Daddy! We love you!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Hi, everyone! We've been having problems with our computer for about 2 months now. I am not able to upload any pictures, so that's my excuse for not updating our blog. I know that it's not always necessary to post pictures, but I like doing it.
We are all doing well. Briana starts kindergarten tomorrow! I can't believe it! She will be 5 on September 2nd. Michael just turned 7 on August 1st and will be entering the 2nd grade. I can't believe that, either! I will only have my little Alexa at home with me. (At least until Thursday when I start babysitting my friend's 2 year old daughter!) Alexa is 18 months old now. Talk about growing like a weed! She's getting so big! She is into everything! She's a very busy little person. I love to hear her laugh. She just brightens my day! I am so thankful for the husband and children God has blessed me with. Too often I take my family for granted, and I'm praying that God will help me to cherish them and every moment He gives me with them.
Speaking of family, I am very excited and proud to announce that on Friday August 22, 2008, my Dad was sworn in as a United States citizen!!! He came to the U.S. from Lima, Peru on August 17, 1972 when he was just 20 years old. 36 years and 5 days later, he stood with his right hand over his heart and pledged allegience to the American flag! Praise the Lord!
Thanks to all of you for checking our blog. I know it's been a long time and I'm glad you haven't forgotten us!
We are all doing well. Briana starts kindergarten tomorrow! I can't believe it! She will be 5 on September 2nd. Michael just turned 7 on August 1st and will be entering the 2nd grade. I can't believe that, either! I will only have my little Alexa at home with me. (At least until Thursday when I start babysitting my friend's 2 year old daughter!) Alexa is 18 months old now. Talk about growing like a weed! She's getting so big! She is into everything! She's a very busy little person. I love to hear her laugh. She just brightens my day! I am so thankful for the husband and children God has blessed me with. Too often I take my family for granted, and I'm praying that God will help me to cherish them and every moment He gives me with them.
Speaking of family, I am very excited and proud to announce that on Friday August 22, 2008, my Dad was sworn in as a United States citizen!!! He came to the U.S. from Lima, Peru on August 17, 1972 when he was just 20 years old. 36 years and 5 days later, he stood with his right hand over his heart and pledged allegience to the American flag! Praise the Lord!
Thanks to all of you for checking our blog. I know it's been a long time and I'm glad you haven't forgotten us!
Monday, June 30, 2008
So many of you have asked about Briana and shared with us that you have been praying for us. I want to use this post to thank each and every one of you. We are very grateful for all the prayers that have been lifted up on our behalf. Your concern for Briana especially has been such a blessing to me. I am very happy to report that she is doing exceptionally well. She is back to her normal self - running, jumping, riding her bike, fighting - oh, I mean playing with her brother, and, of course, watching TV. She's the TV queen. (We are trying to cut back, though!) It will still be some months before our skin color returns to normal, so we're not sure if there will be scarring, but we are just so thankful that it wasn't worse than it was and that we are both okay. God is so good - all the time! Thank you all again for your prayers and well wishes!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Hampshire View Christian School - Silver Spring, MD
Tuesday May 13, 2008

This is Michael's first grade class.
L-R: Ana, Mariah, Kimani, Allie, Karitza, Michael

Michael was excited about the graduation program...
can't you tell?

He was proud that he got to hold the American flag for the pledges.

Kindergarten and first grade are combined in one classroom.
The K5 grads L-R: Naomi, Chelsea, Benjamin

They sang and recited Scripture and poems.

It was such a great program!

Michael receiving his honor roll certificate from his teacher, Mrs. Philippe-Auguste. Also pictured is the school principal, Mrs. Hutcheson.

Michael proudly displaying his "A" honor roll certificate. He is now prepared for 2nd grade!

Time for cake - YUMMY!
Tuesday May 13, 2008

This is Michael's first grade class.
L-R: Ana, Mariah, Kimani, Allie, Karitza, Michael

Michael was excited about the graduation program...
can't you tell?

He was proud that he got to hold the American flag for the pledges.

Kindergarten and first grade are combined in one classroom.
The K5 grads L-R: Naomi, Chelsea, Benjamin

They sang and recited Scripture and poems.

It was such a great program!

Michael receiving his honor roll certificate from his teacher, Mrs. Philippe-Auguste. Also pictured is the school principal, Mrs. Hutcheson.

Michael proudly displaying his "A" honor roll certificate. He is now prepared for 2nd grade!

Time for cake - YUMMY!
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