
Monday, May 26, 2008


Hampshire View Christian School - Silver Spring, MD
Tuesday May 13, 2008

This is Michael's first grade class.
L-R: Ana, Mariah, Kimani, Allie, Karitza, Michael

Michael was excited about the graduation program...
can't you tell?

He was proud that he got to hold the American flag for the pledges.

Kindergarten and first grade are combined in one classroom.
The K5 grads L-R: Naomi, Chelsea, Benjamin

They sang and recited Scripture and poems.

It was such a great program!

Michael receiving his honor roll certificate from his teacher, Mrs. Philippe-Auguste. Also pictured is the school principal, Mrs. Hutcheson.

Michael proudly displaying his "A" honor roll certificate. He is now prepared for 2nd grade!

Time for cake - YUMMY!


A day in the life of said...

Congratulations to Michael! Can't believe you have a son already in school!

A {Perfectly} Pampered Mama said...

Wow....second grade!!! That's tooo crazy! Loved the update!

Karis said...

I got your email about the accident, and I have meant to email you back but just never made the time to do it. How are you doing?

I was glad to get your email that you have a blog. Cute pictures of Briana and her best friend and of Michael's graduation as well as of the three kids together.

The French Family said...

Great job Michael - you are growing up fast!!

Jennie Bender said...

Hey, thanks for your note. I have just been praying for you both. I am glad, too, about that she is healing without much scarring! That is wonderful.

I did read your friends blog and left her a note. Thanks for thinking of me. It is still hard sometimes, but God is good. Thanks for caring, it really means a lot to me.

Keep in touch. I enjoy your blog!

Shane and Kristy Davis said...

Wow! Way to go Michael!
So sorry to hear about your accident. I have been praying for your healing.