My sweet little baby girl is 20 months old today! I can hardly believe it! There are many pictures here, but I hope you'll take the time to see each one and catch a little glimpse of the life of Alexa Maxine Cabrera.

Here she is wearing her big brother's school shirt. She hasn't figured out how to say "Michael" yet, so she calls him "Da Da". (John is Daddy, in case you're wondering!)

Now she's wearing Briana's necklace. She calls her big sister "Na Na". (That's also what Michael called Briana when he was 2.)

She loves her little pink hat. Whenever we're getting ready to go outside, she pats herself on the head. That's her way of saying, "My hat, please!"

She LOVES to play with balls! She can kick them and is starting to throw them pretty well, too!

Trying on Briana's shoe...

She managed to get both of them on by herself!

This day, she decided it would be fun to play with Michael's baseball cap.
"It's dark! Where did everybody go?"

"Hey! There you are!"

She is so much fun to watch!

"Look, Mommy! I can do it myself! Bye Bye!"

Opening a cabinet no matter how big or small is an endless source of enjoyment. In fact, she has a blanket and puppy that she sleeps with, and about two weeks ago, they disappeared. We couldn't find them anywhere! 6 days later, John and I were in our bedroom with Alexa and she went over to a small desk we have in there. On one side is a little cabinet. She opened the door and what do you suppose was in there? That's right! She had put her blanket and puppy in there and no one (but her) had thought to look in there!

"Anyone hungry? I'm making lunch."

She was playing Ring Around the Rosy with Michael and Briana. They taught her how and she did great. Then she decided to start falling down before they got to the "we all fall down" part. Michael and Briana thought that was hilarious, so she would fall down early and they would all crack up!

She likes to make us laugh with this face. It all started because we live next to a fire station. Any time the fire trucks or ambulances would go out with their sirens on, we would say, "Alexa! Do you hear the fire trucks?" And she would make that face. It's so funny.

Here she is with another one of Michael's hats.
"You can't see me!"

"Here I am!"

And there she goes! She's a busybody - always into EVERYTHING!

She's such a character! And a cute one at that!

Hamming it up for the camera.

Ride 'em cowgirl!

She does have her not-so-happy moments. She was less than thrilled when I put her in the ball pit.

But she loved bouncing on the trampoline while holding the balls from the ball pit!

She loves babies. Even her own reflection. She's a "big helper" in our church nursery with all the babies. She knows them all by name and can even tell you whose diaper bag is whose!

Even my little busybody gets worn out now and then. She has her beloved blanket (which I removed from around her neck) and her beloved puppy with the pink hearts (which she has underneath her!). For some reason, she likes to sleep with her feet up on the rails. Not always, but occasionally.
Getting soooo big! And you have been TAGGED!
She has grown so much! I am so glad to hear from you!
I have tried facebook--but I have the wrong sort of email, it won't accept it. I will have to check on it when Shane gets a chance. He is my hero for those sorts of projects!
Looks like she is a lot of fun!
Your kids are looking wonderful!! Lacie started K-5 this year too - Johnathon will be 5 in November - so he gets to go next year!!
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